10 research outputs found

    A literature review on surgery for cervical vagal schwannomas

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    Cervical vagal schwannoma is a benign, slow-growing mass, often asymptomatic, with a very low lifetime risk of malignant transformation in general population, but diagnosis is still a challenge. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice even if its close relationship with nerve fibres, from which it arises, threats vagal nerve preservation. We present a case report and a systematic review of literature. All studies on surgical resection of cervical vagal schwannoma have been reviewed. Papers matching the inclusion criteria (topic on surgical removal of cervical vagal schwannoma, English language, full text available) were selected. Fifty-three patients with vagal neck schwannoma submitted to surgery were identified among 22 studies selected. Female/male ratio was 1.5 and median age 44 years. Median diameter was 5 cm (range 2 to 10). Most schwannoma were asymptomatic (68.2%) and received an intracapsular excision (64.9%). Postoperative symptoms were reported in 22.6% of patients. Cervical vagal schwannoma is a benign pathology requiring surgical excision, but frequently postoperative complications can affect patients lifelong, so, surgical indications should be based carefully on the balance between risks and benefits

    Insolita causa di addome acuto in paziente adulto: l’ileo biliare

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    L’ileo biliare è una condizione morbosa rara descritta tra le complicanze della litiasi della colecisti. È causa dell’1-3% delle ostruzioni meccaniche del piccolo intestino. Interessa più frequentemente pazienti di età compresa tra 63 e 85 anni. La diagnosi pre-operatoria è generalmente posta con ritardo variabile da 1 a 10 giorni per l’assenza di una sintomatologia specifica. Caso clinico. Gli Autori riportano il caso di un uomo di 50 anni in cui è stata posta diagnosi di occlusione meccanica del piccolo intestino da voluminosa concrezione litiasica. L’occlusione ileale è stata dimostrata con la TC. Il paziente è stato sottoposto in urgenza ad intervento chirurgico, in un unico tempo, di enterolitotomia, colecistectomia e riparazione della fistola duodenale. Il decorso clinico è stato regolare e il paziente è stato dimesso in XIV giornata. Discussione. Nel nostro caso la diagnosi di ileo biliare è stata posta con un ritardo di 5 giorni. L’ecotomografia del fegato e delle vie biliari non è stata in grado di visualizzare la colecisti. La diagnosi è stata posta con la TC che si conferma gold standard diagnostico. Conclusioni. Lo stato clinico del paziente influenza la strategia chirurgica. Nel nostro paziente, considerato a basso rischio, è stato possibile l’intervento chirurgico in un unico tempo. La procedura in due tempi, enterolitotomia e successiva colecistectomia con riparazione della fistola, va riservata ai pazienti ad alto rischio

    Laparoscopic trans-abdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) surgery for incarcerated inguinal hernia repair

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    Purpose: This series was aimed to analyze feasibility, safety and postoperative quality of life of trans-abdominal pre-peritoneal repair in incarcerated hernia; the rationale was a safe hernia reduction, more accurate abdomen exploration, diagnosis and treatment of contralateral unknown hernia. Methods: With a minimum follow-up of 30 months, 20 urgent incarcerated inguinal hernia patients were submitted to TAPP. Signs of strangulation, peritonitis and major comorbidity were exclusion criteria. Feasibility and safety were evaluated by ability to hernia reduction, conversion rate, operative time, perioperative mortality, morbidity, hospital stay, prosthesis infection and recurrence. Finally, quality of life was assessed by acute and chronic pain score, recovery of normal activities, return to work and patients’ satisfaction survey. Results: Under vision sac reduction was always achieved, incision of internal ring during the reduction manoeuvre was necessary in 40% of pts, intraoperative complications, conversions or perioperative mortality were not observed. In one case (5%) partial omentectomy was necessary. Contralateral hernia was diagnosed and repaired in 20%. Median operative time was 81.3 min, postoperative minor complications were recorded in 5 patients (25%), median in hospital stay was 2 days. After a median follow-up of 39 months, 1 patient recurred (5%). Acute pain, was scored 3 as median value (range 1–5), only one patient scored 2 as chronic pain during follow-up. Conclusions: Laparoscopic approach for incarcerated inguinal hernia repair is not the standard treatment. In our experience, with the limit of a single-surgeon series, selected patients showed satisfactory results in terms of feasibility, safety, postoperative quality of life and patients’ satisfaction were observed. Few series about this topic were published. More prospective trials are needed

    Tumor Regression Grade After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation and Surgery for Low Rectal Cancer Evaluated by Multiple Correspondence Analysis: Ten Years as Minimum Follow-up

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    The tumor regression grade (TRG) role was investigated by multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) in 174 low rectal cancer patients undergone neoadjuvant chemoradiation and radical surgery, with a minimum follow-up of 10 years. The TRG 1 and 2 showed better survival than TRG 4 and 5 subgroups. MCA allocated TRG 3 together with other prognostic variables better than multivariate analysis. Background: The role of Mandard's tumor regression grade (TRG) classification is still controversial in defining the prognostic role of patients who have undergone neoadjuvant chemoradiation (CRT) and total mesorectal excision. The present study evaluated multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) as a tool to better cluster variables, including TRG, for a homogeneous prognosis. Patients and Methods: A total of 174 patients with a minimum follow-up period of 10 years were stratified into 2 groups: group A (TRG 1-3) and group B (TRG 4-5) using Mandard's classification. Overall survival and disease-free survival were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Subsequently, MCA was used to analyze TRG plus the other prognostic variables. Results: The overall response to CRT was 55.7%, including 13.2% with a pathologic complete response. TRG group A correlated strictly with pN status (P =.0001) and had better overall and disease-free survival than group B (85.1% and 75.6% vs. 71.1% and 67.3%; P =.06 and P =.04, respectively). The TRG 3 subset (about one third of our series) showed prognostically heterogeneous behavior. In addition to multivariate analysis, MCA separated TRG 1 and TRG 2 versus TRG 4 and TRG 5 well and also allocated TRG 3 patients close to the unfavorable prognostic variables. Conclusion: TRG classification should be used in all pathologic reports after neoadjuvant CRT and radical surgery to enrich the prognostic profile of patients with an intermediate risk of relapse and to identify patients eligible for more conservative treatment. Thus, MCA could provide added value

    Organ‐saving surgery for rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation: Analysis of failures and long‐term results

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    Background To analyze long-term results and risk of relapse in the clinical TNM stages II and III, mid-low rectal cancer patients (RC pts), treated with transanal local excision (LE) after major response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation (n-CRT). Methods Thirty-two out of 345 extraperitoneal cT3-4 or N+ RC pts (9.3%) underwent LE. Inclusion criteria: extraperitoneal RC, adenocarcinoma, ECOG Performance Status <= 2. Pts with distant metastases were excluded. Results All pts showed histologically clear margins of resection and 81.2% were restaged ypT0/mic/1. Nine out of 32 (28.1%) pts relapsed: 7 (21.8%) showed a local recurrence, of which 5 (15.6%) at the endorectal suture, 1 (3.1%) pelvic and 1 (3.1%) mesorectal. Two pts (6.2%) relapsed distantly. Among the pT0/1, 11.5% relapsed vs 100% of the pT2 and pT4 ones. The six pts relapsing locally or in the mesorectal fat underwent a salvage total mesorectal excision surgery. The old patient with pelvic recurrence relapsed after 108 months and underwent a re-irradiation; the two pts with distant metastases were treated with chemotherapy followed by radical surgery. Conclusions Presently combined approach seems a valid option in major responders, confirming its potential curative impact in the ypT0/mic/1 pts. A strict selection of pts is basic to obtain favourable results

    Organ-saving surgery for rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Analysis of failures and long-term results

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    Background To analyze long-term results and risk of relapse in the clinical TNM stages II and III, mid-low rectal cancer patients (RC pts), treated with transanal local excision (LE) after major response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation (n-CRT). Methods Thirty-two out of 345 extraperitoneal cT3-4 or N+ RC pts (9.3%) underwent LE. Inclusion criteria: extraperitoneal RC, adenocarcinoma, ECOG Performance Status <= 2. Pts with distant metastases were excluded. Results All pts showed histologically clear margins of resection and 81.2% were restaged ypT0/mic/1. Nine out of 32 (28.1%) pts relapsed: 7 (21.8%) showed a local recurrence, of which 5 (15.6%) at the endorectal suture, 1 (3.1%) pelvic and 1 (3.1%) mesorectal. Two pts (6.2%) relapsed distantly. Among the pT0/1, 11.5% relapsed vs 100% of the pT2 and pT4 ones. The six pts relapsing locally or in the mesorectal fat underwent a salvage total mesorectal excision surgery. The old patient with pelvic recurrence relapsed after 108 months and underwent a re-irradiation; the two pts with distant metastases were treated with chemotherapy followed by radical surgery. Conclusions Presently combined approach seems a valid option in major responders, confirming its potential curative impact in the ypT0/mic/1 pts. A strict selection of pts is basic to obtain favourable results

    Fattori che influiscono sulla durata dell'intervento di colecistectomia laparoscopica in elezione e sul decorso clinico, in due scuole di formazione, in una serie consecutiva di 190 pazienti a basso e medio rischio anestesiologico

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    OBIETTIVI. Identificare e valutare i fattori che influiscono sulla durata dell’intervento chirurgico di LC e gli effetti sul decorso clinico. MATERIALI E METODI. Studio prospettico osservazionale su 190 pazienti (113 F, 77 M, età media 52aa) a basso e medio rischio anestesiologico (ASA 1,2,3) sottoposti a LC per patologia benigna. Sono stati valutati i fattori preoperatori (sesso, età, fumo, alcool, BMI, patologie associate), intraoperatori (durata dell’intervento, contaminazione biliare della cavità peritoneale, posizionamento di drenaggio) e postoperatori (decorso clinico, durata della degenza, canalizzazione alle feci, sintomatologia dolorosa, risultato estetico). In tutti i casi veniva eseguito esame istopatologico della colecisti ed esame colturale della bile. Il confronto fra i dati è stato eseguito mediante software statistico SPSS della IBM statistics versione 20.1.1. Lo studio di correlazione è stato osservato con rho di Spearman. Il p value tramite t di Student (variabili continue) e test di Fischer (variabili non continue). RISULTATI. Secondo il parametro BMI 81/190 pazienti risultavano in sovappeso (BMI ≥25) e 37/190 obesi (BMI ≥30). La durata media dell’intervento è stata di 76 minuti, mediana 65 minuti, range 20180 minuti. Dall’analisi statistica emerge una significativa correlazione fra durata della LC e BMI (r=0.194 p=0.007 ), patologie associate (r=0.18 p=0.013) e consumo di alcool (r=0.173 p=0.017). Il leak biliare da microperforazione o rottura intraoperatoria della colecisti si correla significativamente con il prolungamento del tempo operatorio (r=0.161 p=0.026) la cui ulteriore espansione si osserva nei pazienti con drenaggio sottoepatico (r=0.629 p<0.001). La durata dell’intervento chirurgico si correla significativamente con la diagnosi istopatologica di colecistite cronica riacutizzata (r=0.200 p=0.006). Il prolungamento del tempo operatorio si correla in ordine decrescente di significatività statistica con un ritardo nella dimissione (r=0.527 p=<0.001) e nella canalizzazione alle feci (r=0.274 p<0.001), in una maggiore incidenza di infezioni del sito chirurgico (r=0.209 p=0.004), del rialzo termico (r=0.204 p=0.005) e peggiore risultato estetico (r=0.15 p=0.028).CONCLUSIONI. La durata della LC è significativamente correlata al BMI e alla presenza di patologie associate. Il prolungamento del tempo operatorio si correla significativamente a prolungata degenza, ritardata canalizzazione intestinale, infezione del sito chirurgico ombelicale, più intensa sintomatologia dolorosa postoperatoria e compromissione del risultato estetico. La riduzione dei tempi operatori (posizionamento del drenaggio solo in casi selezionati, limitazione delle procedure di lavaggio ed aspirazione solo quanto necessarie, limitazione al ricorso di estrazione del viscere in endobag) rappresenta l’obiettivo su cui potere concretamente agire per un reale contenimento dei costi


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    BACKGROUND: Adenomyomas of the gallbladder are difficult to examine during standard ultrasound examination of the abdomen. They sometimes undergo malignant transformation and their optimal management still remains a problem. The authors have aimed to investigate the ultrasonographic and histopathological prevalence of gallbladder adenomyomas focusing on the diagnostic performance of ultrasound examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective series of 450 consecutive patients who underwent cholecystectomy is reported. Data regarding characteristics of the patients, US and histology examination of the gallbladder were collected. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of ultrasound scan were calculated with respect to histological examination of the gallbladder. RESULTS: The study group consisted of 261 female and 189 male. Ultrasound scan detected adenomyomas in 22 patients, confirmed by histopathology in 13 and found to be not present in 9. Incidental adenomyomas were found in 16 patients of 428 who underwent cholecystectomy for gallstones. Prevalence was 4.9% and 6.4% for ultrasound scan and histopathology respectively. Ultrasound scan showed sensitivity of 43.3% (c.i.:25.4%-62.5%), specificity of 97.8% (c.i.:95.9%-99%) with a positive predictive value of 59% (c.i.:36.3%-79.2%) and with a negative predictive value of 96.2% (c.i.:93.7%-97.6%). On histopathology, adenomyomas localized in the fundus were predominant. Two female patients with adenomyomas of the fundus (diameter 5 mm) and single stone showed intestinal metaplasia with high-grade dysplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of gallbladder adenomyomas by ultrasound scan still remains a problem because of its low sensitivity, which is mainly due to the association with gallstones. Histopathological findings in the perilesional mucosa confirm the hypothesis of a metaplasia-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence already shown in the colon-rectum. At present, the selection of patients requiring cholecystectomy is still controversial